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A vacation from the holiday

As I write this column, I am on a short summer holiday. Working while on vacation? It isn't quite what it appears. Don't feel too bad for me. In fact, this is the only break the six kids and new puppy have given me all week.

As I write this column, I am on a short summer holiday. Working while on vacation? It isn't quite what it appears.

Don't feel too bad for me. In fact, this is the only break the six kids and new puppy have given me all week.

You see, the last few days have gone something like this. Go to the driving range, play a round of golf, spend time at the beach, go fishing, go swimming, play tennis and drive to dance camp, etc. Then hit repeat, several times a day. You get the idea.

Entertaining everyone is a full-time job, especially kids these days. Children are really good at being entertained but not at entertaining themselves. It seems to me, children have more access to planned activities and games than ever before, yet two minutes of down time in the backyard and the question “What are we doing now?” is already popping up.

Any moms know that summer holidays look a whole lot different than the commercials on TV with the sweet, smiling and well mannered children. There are tantrums, sticky fingers, food to be cut up, sunscreen to put on, sibling fights to be settled and answering the same question over and over (and over and over again) from a four-year-old. (No, we are NOT there yet!)

I am not sure where you work but I haven't encountered any of these problems at my office. In fact, when I think of it, I get a scheduled coffee break, co-workers use words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ (seemingly foreign in my kids vocabulary these days) and I get to eat my lunch in peace and quiet, while the food is still hot. You understand what I mean if you are a parent.

As I sat down to write this column, I told the kids I needed a few minutes to work and the magic began. Everyone started entertaining themselves and left me to my business. Ironic  how my real holiday started when I began to work.

So, to all the moms out there, who are trying to enjoy the summer holidays with your kids - get to work! Whether it be working on finishing that Netflix series, working in your garden or working on your tan, take time for yourself. Take time everyday to work on something you enjoy. You don't need to go anywhere for that kind of holiday and the great thing about it is, that perhaps when you turn off the computer to go check on what the kids are doing, you will see they resemble those sweet, smiling children on those commercials - if only for a minute or two.