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We need more snow!

Now I know what you are thinking and if it's anything like what ran through my head when I first heard thisit's not even rated PG13. Best to keep those sorts of thoughts in your head, especially around young children.

Now I know what you are thinking and if it's anything like what ran through my head when I first heard thisit's not even rated PG13. Best to keep those sorts of thoughts in your head, especially around young children. All I can say is that the old saying "Out of the mouths of babes" certainly covers this one.

I just got home from an hour drive home, which still did not give me enough time to unthaw from my time spent outside earlier. I had come to this conclusion. I hate winter and I hate being cold.

The snow falling was not helping with either of these two things going away anytime soon. Upon arriving home, my little one was standing beside me at the window peering out at the snow falling with a look of disgust that matched mine. "I know .it sucks! Winter is here" is what I said to reassure him that I felt his pain. His response made the room a little chillier.

"No mom, it sucks there isn't ENOUGH snow out there for me to push into piles. We need more snow."

It had become apparent that his look of disgust was for a completely different reason and let me tell you, it was nothing compared to the look that was now on his father's face nor the answer that followed.

"We don't @#@%^ need any #@#$ more %$%# snow". (Try Google translator with that one).

Apparently the higher up your view from the window was, the worst that the weather got or so it seems. Made me think..all three of us were looking at exactly the same thing. Snowflakes falling. That's itsnow falling? How did something so simple, get such a wide range of reactions and who was right? Well, I got to thinking and realized, we were all right. We were right in how we felt about it. With that said, how far was being right going to get us? I figured it just suits me best to take the advice of the happiest one in the bunch. I mean, we live in Saskatchewan. It snows and snows and snows (and melts the next day, only to snow a few more inches the next.) Guess what? There's not a thing we can do about it. So why waste our time and energy fighting and complaining about something we have no control over.

Perhaps it just may be time to take on a different perspective on the situation. Looks like the best view just happens to stand at 3'5" tall. This little guy just gave me a big lesson. There are a whole lot of things we cannot control in life, and Saskatchewan weathers just happens to be on the top of the list it seems. The one thing we can do, is control how we choose to look at it.

So rather than watch from my window, I decided to get bundled up and join the kids outside. That's when it hit me. The Remembrance Day Service that left me so physically cold earlier that day, now warmed my heart. This is what they had fought for. Our freedom to enjoy our lives no matter what the weather may bring.